Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Somebody Has To Say It: Like It Or Not, You Have To Eat To Live

The Blonde Bombshell herself
Of the many things I don't understand in this world, diets and eating disorders are somewhere in there. I know what they are, but I don't know how they came to be, or why for that matter.

Did ya know in the 1800s, women who were plump and voluptuous were the most desirable? A lot of emphasis was placed on the hips and the butt. Being "thin" didn't really become a fad till the 1900s, which continued to grow until about the present day. Now the current standard is big busts, flat stomachs and tiny ass waists.

I don't begrudge anyone who is naturally skinny. You were blessed with a fantastic metabolism, good for you. Now, can someone please tell me what is so glamorous about being so skinny that your ribcage has become your personal xylophone? That I could probably use your pelvic region as a punch bowl? That if you were to trip on a sidewalk crack, you'd most likely break in half?

I dunno how someone can deny themselves what they want to eat, or force themselves to throw it back up. Doesn't that taste awful? It's really bad for your teeth, since stomach acid eats away at the enamel. Did anyone mention that it won't do shit either? Best one could hope for is losing a few ounces maybe. How can someone live on less than 500 calories a day? That's way under the recommended daily intake of 2,000.

I'll be honest, there are days I wish my stomach was flatter. But I can't deny my base need to eat. I want to be a connoisseur of deliciousness. I can't live without my bread and butter, pasta, meat and potatoes, sweets and above all salt. I would probably kill you if you took my salt away. I believe in moderation. I eat well, but at the same time I exercise well, which has pretty much kept the Freshman 15 away. It might be 30 now, I dunno, but I for one am sick of crappy soft serve ice-cream.

Alright I'll get down off my soapbox now. I realize it's not going to change any minds here. I just want to throw it out there that whoever conceived of the current standard is a jackass. There is absolutely nothing wrong with voluptuous curves. Marilyn Monroe had them, and the public worshiped it. I'm just going to have to wait until you have a quick brush with death to realize that starving by free choice is no way to live.
