The Mastermind

Sweet and innocent, right? All sugar and spice and everything nice? NEGATIVE! Behind this face lurks a deviated, ludicrous, yet delightful insanity. 

Alex started this blog purely for the purpose of emptying an overflowing cranial cavity. A full-time college student, each day provides opportunity for her to plot to someday take over and rule the world. Impossible? Oh ye of little faith. Minstrels will one day write songs in her honour!

A blogger can dream, yes?

When she's not conspiring, Alex is usually found sleeping, gamboling with her fellow conspirators, avoiding homework like the plague and killing time on the world wide interwebs.

Approach with Caution: While Alex has the full capability to be an upstanding citizen, she does have the tendency to speak bluntly. Don't let the face fool you. She hopes to garner followers for her future empire by appealing to their like mentalities over everyday occurrences, philosophies, writings, opinions, et al.
