Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If John Powell Does Not Win "Best Original Composition" I Will Sic Toothless On You All

The two above songs are from one of my favourite movies this year, "How To Train Your Dragon." The score was composed by John Powell, and I'll be damned if he doesn't take "Best Original Music" at the Academies. The only other worthy opponents would be "Toy Story 3" or "Inception," which I didn't see but I only heard good things for the most part about it. Back to my original point however, "How To Train Your Dragon" deserves whatever Academies it should rightfully take home. It's an endearing story, with well-cast voices and even more well developed characters. The music just adds another layer to this movie's pure magnificence.

Some mutterings on the interwebs state that dragons have now become as pointlessly cute as vampires. I disagree. Stephanie Meyer emasculated Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and made him sparkly. These dragons will still bite your faces off in a heartbeat if they feel threatened. I'm just sayin'. 

How can you hate anything with a face like that?

By the way, for all you Rule #34 worshipers....Toothless is not amused. Even he knows he's better than anything you can think up.
