Saturday, January 1, 2011


Even though the New Year hosts talked through pretty much the entire countdown, I still have a list of things I want to make happen in this year 2011. I'm not going to get used to writing that on everything until....June at the earliest.

1. Tell it straight, no chaser.
One thing I learned in college is that I am extremely honest when I have alcohol in my system. I will tell anything straight, with absolutely no regret. It's as if the brain-tongue barrier doesn't even exist. I hope to carry that mentality even when my blood alcohol content is 0.00 (with discretion).

2. Are you an asshole? The door is open. Get out.
I am so tired of people who constantly piss me off. I am not going to waste my life spending time with people who make me unhappy. I deserve better. If you screw around with me, you're done. I was far too liberal with second chances, and I got walked all over like a doormat. The asshat from this post learned this lesson the hard way when I finally decided to kick his stupid ass off my Facebook page. I say that about him because despite my patience with him, he still had the gall to talk shit to me. Game over, pal.

3. Read, write, draw more.
This kind of speaks for itself. I miss writing and drawing and reading.

4. I will still love you even when you do stupid shit.
This one goes out to Mishka. I love you, you're my best friend. I know there was some trouble in paradise, but in reality it was all stupid and I decidedly overreacted. I promise to try and be more tolerable when you do something I don't like, and hopefully I will be able to tell you how I feel without clamming up. I am comforted by the fact that you know how to fight fair, and you are more than willing to make amends. I also will do the same. Yես քեզ կը սիրեմ Ալեքսանդր.

5. I will kick ass in college.
While I had a pretty solid first semester, I think I can do even better with this one. Additionally, I think I need to take more advantage of the facilities at and surrounding the college campus.

6. Somehow I will love myself.
If Mishka can see past my imperfections, I should be able to as well. I will eat better and live better, and my body should be able to fall in step with that.
