Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Somebody Has To Say It: Getting What You Want Sucks

No, it really does sadly.

When it comes to getting what I want in terms of food or objects, there's no issue. If I want two packs of chicken ramen, by Jove I shall have them, at very little cost to myself. I'm just short two packs of chicken ramen. The horror, the horror.

People on the other hand...well that's a different story.

This past weekend I briefly reconnected with a person I met face-to-face only once last year. I should have been tipped off by the way he systematically drove people out of the room with his constant jibber-jabber, but I was too nice to be an asshole and take off before he set his crosshairs on me. After a very long and trivial conversation, I made two very big mistakes. The first was accepting his friend request on Facebook. The second was giving him the privilege to call me. *Cue Picard facepalm*

I thought to myself, "How often is one 16 year old ever going to call me?" Karma is absolutely vindictive when it comes to proving me wrong. It wasn't too bad at first. I ignored his calls more often then I answered, but when I did the awkward conversations would eat at the very least an hour of my time. One day they dropped off, much to my relief. It was quiet for about a year....until this past Friday. The onslaught began anew, starting with a seemingly innocent inbox thread on Facebook. He then proceeded to call me roughly 80 times. With 12 voicemails. I shit you not. I wouldn't have been so annoyed, except that he called nearly all day, during class, during meals, during homework, during SLEEP. If there's one thing you don't do to me, you don't call me while I'm sleeping, unless it's an absolute emergency. That's my time so I can be a bright fucking ray of sunshine at 7.45 am the next day. Even with my phone on silent, there was his number popping up every damn time, like some possessed Whack-A-Mole. I finally got so irritated that I contacted his brother over Facebook, begging asking him to intervene. And mind you, I was as polite as I could be about it. No name calling, no cussing, no nothing.

This is the part where I find out I'm a bitch.

His brother did respond to me, and he was so nice about it. He apologized and said he would take care of it. He also mentioned that his little brother was autistic and unable to recognize social cues. Even the offender himself bothered to send me an apology, per the persuasion of the older brother I'm assuming.

Well shit. All I wanted was for the kid to back off. Now he has. I feel bad though because I didn't know he was autistic, though that explains a lot. I feel like I just kicked a puppy...why does getting what you want suck so bad?
