Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An Attempt at Dream Analysis

This morning I awoke from a most peculiar dream. I decided to try and decode it with the help of the interwebs and Jack Altman's 1,001 Dreams.

In the dream, I saw a dragon, about the size of Mushu from Mulan, taking something from what looked like a giant Pez dispenser in the shape of a dragon's head at an altar. Upon closer inspection, this dragon's head was filled with bubbling different colours. I saw him mix different colours together and taste them. He would start to sing, and each combination seemed to evoke a different emotion. When I tried it myself, it didn't work. He informed me it had to be mixed by a dragon's claws for there to be any effect.

Dragon: a dark force force in my nature that I must address in order to achieve self-fulfillment OR it represents primal energy and the forces of heaven.

Song: an invitation to explore a potential for personal creativity.

Altar: spiritual strength and help from higher planes.

*These are all the colours I saw in the dream.
Gold: aspects of my true self that I value.

Pink: love, joy, sweetness, happiness, affection, kindness.

Purple: devotion, healing abilities, compassion.

Red: raw energy, force, vigor.

Yellow: intellect, agility, energy, harmony, wisdom.

Green: positive change, hope, growth, vitality; also represents the strive to gain recognition and establish independence. 
