Thursday, February 3, 2011

AdventureTime in College: Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

The poster here is extremely fitting...

Apparently my university has been studying up on methods of how to piss people off from the Egyptian government. Today they decided, without telling us, to block Facebook for a good part of the day. While it did create a boost in my productivity, I think their reasoning is a little off. From what I understand, other students were making their opinions known about not having another snow day on the university's Facebook page, and there may or may not have been an event encouraging people to stay home. If there were, it would be for a fair reason, as we're still battling two foot high snow drifts and a negative wind chill. For commuters, I can only imagine what a bitch it must have been trying to find a way out of the maze that is now Lake Shore Drive.

While the school might have been displeased with the overall reaction, I personally think theirs was even more childish. Blocking a website so people can't tell others what they feel about the situation? Holy censorship! I realize that the administration might feel a little godly having the great Facebook On/Off Switch, but flaunting it like that isn't going to solve any problems, just make more.

People ditch class all the time, probably every day. People also spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook every day. Frankly, I think the administration should let students fail because of their own poor choices, not attempt an intervention. Much as I hate to admit it, I, along with my fellow students, am an adult and as such am expected to make adult decisions. If I want to fritter my day away clamoring for another snow day on Facebook to a cyber-deaf institution, that's my own piss-poor decision, but if no one's getting hurt, tuition's still getting paid and the intent is to return to class when conditions safely allow, what's the problem here?

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
