Tuesday, October 5, 2010

AdventureTime in College: Pilot

Ah, my poor blog, you have suffered much in my absence. I don't know how to apologize for my complete lack of motivation to write about nonsense. I have been off questing in the new frontier that is a college campus. Though it's only been about two months, already I have stories to tell.

Trolleys, Rev Your Engines
At college a crap-ton of welcome activities are packed into only a few days. One such event was a trolley ride around the city of Chicago during late night hours. As a long-time resident, I was already familiar with much of the city, but I couldn't resist the invitation to go out and play past what would have been my curfew. The tour itself was so-so, but it had its moments, like the drunk people screaming at us from their cars or the sidewalk.

Cheap Locks Don't Work in Rogers Park
Before classes even started, my boyfriend got himself into quite a conundrum. He was the inheritor of a half-broken cable lock for his very expensive, oversized PDA. Goshdarnit, he forgot the combination, and his sister, the gracious bestower of said lock, couldn't remember either. So the both of us broke out our tool kits and did a B&E on that SOB...and no, not bacon and eggs. So that was how I learned how a cheap rotary lock works.

Nerdgasm Central
We now progress to several weeks into the semester, and already my brain is starting to look a little something like this:

Fine cuisine if you're a zombie...

Naturally, I sought respite before boiling hot canola oil started pouring out of my cranial cavity. My cure came in the form of a train stop that happens to be Nerd Heaven. There's a comic book store, a Halloween shop and two video game stores that cover everything from Atari to Wii. *nerdgasm* It would not surprise me in the slightest if I solved the national debt problem just in this one location.

Thankfully, fall break is almost upon me. I hope I can defibrillate this blog and get back onto a somewhat regular writing streak. 
