Wednesday, October 13, 2010

AdventureTime in College: Das Lebkuchenhaus

article I. is Alexandra fit to be an architect?

The First Point: I. It would seem so. Walt Disney said "If you can dream it, you can do it." Hence anyone is capable of doing anything if they have the power to conjure up mental images during the REM sleep phase.

On the other hand, just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should. It doesn't take much skill to build a house out of graham crackers and candy, but it takes years of professional work to build a city.

Reply: Alexandra is most certainly not fit to be an architect. Firstly, she has never imagined herself as one and secondly, she is absolute rubbish at building even a gingerbread house. Presenting Exhibit

Ever so appetizing...
A creation such as this is guaranteed to give the consumer cavities.

Hence: I. Based on photographic evidence, Alexandra should not be trusted with actual brick and mortar.
