Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bowser, You've Met Your Match

I've never been much of a gamer. The most advanced piece of gaming equipment I have is the first generation DS. I still remember the first game system I ever got: a teal GameBoy Color. First game to go with it? Super Mario Bros.




So I stumbled upon one of the best Mario tribute games. Dubbed Super Mario Bros. Crossover, it draws famous video game characters from some of Nintendo's most successful games and throws them into the world of Super Mario Bros. Here's a rundown of all the game's characters, but you'll have to play for yourself to determine which is the best one.

Mario: Nintendo's mascot, arguably one of the most famous characters in video game history; resident of the Mushroom Kingdom, constantly on call to rescue Princess Peach from the Koopa King, Bowser

Link: first appeared in The Legend of Zelda; quests to save Princess Zelda and her kingdom

Bill R.: military commando from Contra; must shut down terrorist organization Red Falcon

Simon: from Castlevania; vampyre hunter

Mega Man: robot lab assistant converted into a fighter robot

Samus: from Metroid; female bounty hunter

Ryu: from Streetfighter; aims to become the strongest man he can

Press to Play!
