The only positive thing that's happened so far is going to see my little cousins and act as the "in loco pater" as my uncle is out of town for the week. They're so cute, they get upset over the weirdest things and they're discovering the Internet memes that I grew up with as a kid. I'm so proud.
All I've done beyond that is sleep and do homework. I'm going insane. I'm upset. I'm pissed off. The only possible glimmers of hope that I see for potentially salvaging this break are going to the International Museum of Surgical Science and my brother's play "Comic Strips." I had no idea the IMSS existed right within my own city. It looks über awesome - just like Gunther von Hagens' "Body Worlds" exhibits that toured at the Museum of Science and Industry. I dunno if anybody feels gutsy enough to go with me though, might just have to be my own odyssey.
As of now I have my hopes pinned on those two things. I can only hope summer is better than this, but I don't think I should be getting my hopes up too high.
Sorry for the rant today guys, I really needed to vent the tension somewhere before I exploded.
< /rant >