Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This Is The Reason I Want A Faster Metabolism

Seriously, I wish there was a pill or something out there for women that could speed up our metabolisms to such a point it might even rival a man's already freakish metabolism.

Now even though I'm a carnivore at heart, I have my limits, and these guys just throw limits to the wind and concoct the most ridiculous meals ever. I only dream of being able to eat stuff like this without feeling any backlash. Don't you hate how guys can do that? Just eat mountains of deliciousness and never gain an ounce? 
-Sigh- One day very very soon I also will be able to attain such a feat...but I only want to do it once, just to say I did it.

If she can do it, I can do it too, dammit.
