Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On Getting Older

Today I turn 19 years old. It's my last year as a teenager. Nineteen years....that's practically a career. In terms of technology, I'm ancient history. When I was little I never really pictured myself in college, with awesome friends and a supportive family and in general a great life. In 19 years I've:

~Made friends, lost friends, gained more friends
~Had my heart broken
~Fixed it when I found my better half
~Not contracted any STDs (not going to have sex yet...not ready for it)
~Gone to grammar school, high school and now college
~Never done drugs
~Never been wasted (got buzzed, but hardly drunk)
~Never been pregnant
~Never started any stupid fights
~Held down a few jobs

The only plans I really have is a family dinner. We shall be feasting on prime rib roast, twice baked potatoes, bread and I'm assuming some healthy veggie of some sort, most likely a salad. Here's to my final year of childhood....
