Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Delta Y Equals Zero

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
--Albert Einstein

Do you ever have those days where you just feel.....stuck? Just blah? It sucks. Maybe it's because the holidays are over and now it's the wait before the new year. I still can't believe it's only Tuesday for one thing; but anyway, this feeling of "blah" is extremely pervasive. There's no statistically significant amount of change. It's difficult to herd my friends together at a time that works for everyone, doing something that everyone wants to do. I'm not sure what I should be doing to get ready for school. I can't fall asleep before 2 A.M., which is really starting to become a drag. At least I can sleep in and try to recover. My parents are actually letting me go out at 8 P.M., but it feels like no one's really free by that point. Hopefully the new year will shake me out of the rut I'm currently running in.


Friday, December 24, 2010

I'll Be A Little Angel From Now On

Christmas time is here. Snowflakes are falling outside, and everything's like a picture book story. 
Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas!

Also, an interesting take on the traditional Christmas story:


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

College Revelations: Reflections On The First Semester

I've finally made it through the first semester of my college experience, though I'm still waiting for a few of my grades to be posted. -Sigh- Over the past few months I've collected some thoughts on my first impressions of college.

I hate cohabitation
No joke. I understand and admit that I'm part of the spoiled generation that for the most part never had to share a room. I don't mind my roommate, we don't talk much to each other anyway, except when she wants me to leave so she can have her out-of-town boyfriend stay overnight; that's only happened twice so far. I just hate sharing my space. I hate living on a floor full of girls. They drive me insane. No matter the day of the week or the time of day I guarantee someone's doing stupid shit, and it gets really loud and people are constantly opening and closing doors. I also happen to live right underneath the next wannabe hippie/indie band, so drum sets going at 1 A.M. are certainly a delight to listen to. My R.A. is virtually non-existent, I hardly ever see her on the floor when it really matters; therefore, I don't feel inclined to be the designated asshole and take care of the problem myself. My mother claims I would solve my problems violently anyway.

With my friends, I could have my own embassy
I came from a primarily Caucasian high school. In my little group of acquaintances, there was not much variety. Here, my mind has been blown with the different ethnicities represented in my group. So far I have


Pretty soon we could be our own little country, just like the Vatican.

I like to draw now
Or doodle, whichever you want to call it. I'm finally putting that sketchbook that's been collecting dust in my drawer to good use. For once, I'm actually pleased with my finished works. I'm considering posting some of the better ones here, but I want to watermark the hell out of them first. I like to see credit where credit is due. It would also probably help if I had a scanner...I could use my camera, but I'm not too sure about the differences in picture quality.

It is entirely possible to pass college classes
At least, most of them are anyway. Based on the grades I see now I can safely say I had a pretty solid first semester. I even managed to pull up a few grade levels in a class, which I was absolutely convinced it was going to go down and be my worst performance. Maybe I'm only saying this because I'm a freshman, but I'm starting to think that this whole college thing might not be so impossible after all...


Friday, December 17, 2010

AdventureTime in College: I Knew There Was A Reason I Love Coke Zero

My senses have been assaulted. My perception of reality has been totally fucked with. I still have finals coming up. But none of that matters because I saw an advanced screening of "TRON: Legacy."

Coke Zero was at my campus handing out free vouchers for two tickets apiece, for a very reasonable time-slot. I'd have been a fool to not take advantage of this golden opportunity.

I'm not giving any of the plot details away, though I will say it made quite a few references to the 1982 version of "TRON." The movie was not nearly as popular as the video game release. This movie went completely over the top in the graphics department. Remember when "The Matrix" graphics took up five terabytes, and that was a whole megashitload? Yea, I wouldn't be surprised if this blew it out of the water.

The long and short of it is, I definitely recommend seeing this flick. The graphics are breathtaking, the plot is nostalgic and intriguing and the soundtrack really does make you feel like you're saving the world.

Radical, man.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Somebody Has To Say It: Like It Or Not, You Have To Eat To Live

The Blonde Bombshell herself
Of the many things I don't understand in this world, diets and eating disorders are somewhere in there. I know what they are, but I don't know how they came to be, or why for that matter.

Did ya know in the 1800s, women who were plump and voluptuous were the most desirable? A lot of emphasis was placed on the hips and the butt. Being "thin" didn't really become a fad till the 1900s, which continued to grow until about the present day. Now the current standard is big busts, flat stomachs and tiny ass waists.

I don't begrudge anyone who is naturally skinny. You were blessed with a fantastic metabolism, good for you. Now, can someone please tell me what is so glamorous about being so skinny that your ribcage has become your personal xylophone? That I could probably use your pelvic region as a punch bowl? That if you were to trip on a sidewalk crack, you'd most likely break in half?

I dunno how someone can deny themselves what they want to eat, or force themselves to throw it back up. Doesn't that taste awful? It's really bad for your teeth, since stomach acid eats away at the enamel. Did anyone mention that it won't do shit either? Best one could hope for is losing a few ounces maybe. How can someone live on less than 500 calories a day? That's way under the recommended daily intake of 2,000.

I'll be honest, there are days I wish my stomach was flatter. But I can't deny my base need to eat. I want to be a connoisseur of deliciousness. I can't live without my bread and butter, pasta, meat and potatoes, sweets and above all salt. I would probably kill you if you took my salt away. I believe in moderation. I eat well, but at the same time I exercise well, which has pretty much kept the Freshman 15 away. It might be 30 now, I dunno, but I for one am sick of crappy soft serve ice-cream.

Alright I'll get down off my soapbox now. I realize it's not going to change any minds here. I just want to throw it out there that whoever conceived of the current standard is a jackass. There is absolutely nothing wrong with voluptuous curves. Marilyn Monroe had them, and the public worshiped it. I'm just going to have to wait until you have a quick brush with death to realize that starving by free choice is no way to live.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Writing Exercise #5: But He Knows

Prompt: Write a letter to an ex. Ooo, the fun I'm going to have with this one...

To the one I kicked out:

Where do I even start. Hey, do you remember that day I was stupid enough to say hello to you? I do. Doing so brought months and months of heartache and self-inflicted guilt that I'm only just starting to forgive myself for.

I was strangely fine with you as a friend, though secretly I harbored a crush on you. I still don't know what it was, your eyes, your smile or the different culture you hailed from. Though all we could do was interact on the Internet, I convinced myself at the time that I loved you fiercely, though....

...you always held me at an arm's distance.

Nothing I ever did ever seemed to bring you lasting happiness. I made a complete fool of myself. And yet you still piled all the blame for stupid little things on me, to such a point that I felt nothing about me would ever make you love me the way I did you. I never wore the right clothes, I didn't hang out with the right people, fuck I never took part in activities that satisfied you at all. Remember when I tore my ACL playing football? Yea, there was no way I could have prevented that. Remember what you told me while I was convalescing? No? I do; you told me to never play again. You know that poster I drew of us, because you told me to do it? I tore it up and threw it out. And it felt wonderful. You know what the sucky part is? If by some freak chance you did find this and read it, you would still find a way to twist it all and make me look like the bad guy. You'd probably degrade yourself and threaten to kill yourself, just to try and get me to cry again. I am embarrassed to admit that you were the first to really make me cry. I am humiliated to confess that I really believed you.

It would be so easy for me to hate you, for all the names you called me, for all the times you lied to me about being with another girl just to get a rise out of me, for all out taking advantage of my puppy love. And in a way, I think I do, and there are very few who have the honour of being hated by me. I refuse to make excuses for you, regardless if the way you treated me was a reflection of how you were taught to treat others. Though I would not be happy if you were physically hurt, this is really just a way for me to vent and rub it in your face that at the end of the day the universe repaid me a hundredfold for what I went through.

I found someone else. We've been going steady for almost two years now. And I know how it feels to really care and be cared about by another person. He's everything that you only wish you could be. When he screws up, he apologizes and he means it. When I have an utterly crappy day and look like shit, he doesn't try to turn the attention toward himself and insist I go make myself pretty. He just holds me and lets me bitch, and when I'm done he still has the guts to tell me I'm beautiful. He understands my boundaries, and he's smart enough to realize I'll kick his ass if he puts a toe out of line, if my father and godfather don't beat me to it first. Know what the best part is? He says he loves me, and when I ask why, sometimes he has reasons, and sometimes he just says it because he wants to.

Maybe under different circumstances it could have worked. Strike that, no it couldn't. I think it would have been even worse if I lived anywhere NEAR you. So yea, I hate you for what you did to me, but at the same time I have to thank you for allowing me to go and find a real relationship. It was rough, I almost gave up completely, but the end was well worth waiting for.

I know it's only been several months since I completely severed all contact with you, but in that time I doubt you've learned how to respect a woman.

But he knows.

I don't think you've truly realized what you had, and destroyed without second thought.

But he knows.

I'd be very skeptical if one day out of the blue you came and told me you finally understand how to love someone, and make them happy, even when they're mad at you, that they found you.

But he knows.

Some days I do wonder if you were really stupid enough to kill yourself. I could be heartless and say that doesn't matter to me anymore, but I will say that I would be a little sad, and I think I might even pity you. What a shocker. Maybe I am heartless for writing this, solely for the imaginative purpose of informing you that I'm doing quite well, but guess what: I fucking deserve it.

Did you read all of that correctly? I know it might be a bit difficult, but that's why they invented Google Translator. Say it with me: I kicked you out, not you, me. Out of my life. For, I hope, good.

Huzzah for schadenfreude,
The foot in your ass


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If John Powell Does Not Win "Best Original Composition" I Will Sic Toothless On You All

The two above songs are from one of my favourite movies this year, "How To Train Your Dragon." The score was composed by John Powell, and I'll be damned if he doesn't take "Best Original Music" at the Academies. The only other worthy opponents would be "Toy Story 3" or "Inception," which I didn't see but I only heard good things for the most part about it. Back to my original point however, "How To Train Your Dragon" deserves whatever Academies it should rightfully take home. It's an endearing story, with well-cast voices and even more well developed characters. The music just adds another layer to this movie's pure magnificence.

Some mutterings on the interwebs state that dragons have now become as pointlessly cute as vampires. I disagree. Stephanie Meyer emasculated Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and made him sparkly. These dragons will still bite your faces off in a heartbeat if they feel threatened. I'm just sayin'. 

How can you hate anything with a face like that?

By the way, for all you Rule #34 worshipers....Toothless is not amused. Even he knows he's better than anything you can think up.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

AdventureTime in College: Cult of the Computer Nerds

Tonight I had the pleasure of attending my first offical Local Area Network (LAN) party, hosted by the Computer Science department. Mishka and I have hardwired our computers together to play Battle for Middle Earth before, but this was my first ever 15+ multi-player game. Tonight's entertainment was Urban Terror, similar to Counter Strike but not quite. A nicely rendered Real Time Strategy (RTS) first-person shooter, the goal is run around and shoot people, obviously. Though I sucked in the beginning, I did manage to take 4th place in one round, and I was rather proud of myself.

At the end of the day I had a really good time. The room was alive with bantering and exclamations over who shot who. I'm honestly surprised security didn't come kick us out; the room's basement location must have lent some advantage, or they just figured we wouldn't do anything malicious outside of our game. Mishka and I have been invited back for future events. I feel like I've joined a secret cult, and it's exhilarating...


Friday, December 3, 2010

Shit Like This Makes Me Wish I Could Have Skipped High School Altogether

And I mean every word of that.

Apparently today my old high school is going up against some rival I couldn't give two shits about, and as I'm writing this there's an ongoing flame war on the Facebook event page, racial and homosexual slurs abounding. I'm aware I sound pissed, but really I'm just irritated, and slightly ashamed. Yea I didn't like my high school years much, but I can admire the purpose they stood for, to mentally prepare me to face college and the real world.

Somehow I had higher expectations for the classes below mine, but then again I set them pretty high anyway. I quite frankly thought my old high school was better than cyber trash talking and parking lot brawl mongering. It really is too bad, I have a pretty good friend from the rival school, and he's an awesome guy. It shouldn't matter where you go to school, the point is that you learn responsibility for your own education and your choices, because in college no one's going to babysit you. You are wholly on your own, and the universe help you if you tried to stoop to that level on a university campus. They aren't as forgiving as high schools.

I'm not going to sit here and preach, mostly because it's not going to change anything anyway. The wee little kiddies are gonna sit there on the internet and scream obscenities at each other, and at the end of tonight I expect that page will blow up with comments from whichever side won. Congratu-fucking-lations guys, I hope you're satisfied with typing shit that you would probably never have the balls to say to someone's face.
