Tuesday, December 21, 2010

College Revelations: Reflections On The First Semester

I've finally made it through the first semester of my college experience, though I'm still waiting for a few of my grades to be posted. -Sigh- Over the past few months I've collected some thoughts on my first impressions of college.

I hate cohabitation
No joke. I understand and admit that I'm part of the spoiled generation that for the most part never had to share a room. I don't mind my roommate, we don't talk much to each other anyway, except when she wants me to leave so she can have her out-of-town boyfriend stay overnight; that's only happened twice so far. I just hate sharing my space. I hate living on a floor full of girls. They drive me insane. No matter the day of the week or the time of day I guarantee someone's doing stupid shit, and it gets really loud and people are constantly opening and closing doors. I also happen to live right underneath the next wannabe hippie/indie band, so drum sets going at 1 A.M. are certainly a delight to listen to. My R.A. is virtually non-existent, I hardly ever see her on the floor when it really matters; therefore, I don't feel inclined to be the designated asshole and take care of the problem myself. My mother claims I would solve my problems violently anyway.

With my friends, I could have my own embassy
I came from a primarily Caucasian high school. In my little group of acquaintances, there was not much variety. Here, my mind has been blown with the different ethnicities represented in my group. So far I have


Pretty soon we could be our own little country, just like the Vatican.

I like to draw now
Or doodle, whichever you want to call it. I'm finally putting that sketchbook that's been collecting dust in my drawer to good use. For once, I'm actually pleased with my finished works. I'm considering posting some of the better ones here, but I want to watermark the hell out of them first. I like to see credit where credit is due. It would also probably help if I had a scanner...I could use my camera, but I'm not too sure about the differences in picture quality.

It is entirely possible to pass college classes
At least, most of them are anyway. Based on the grades I see now I can safely say I had a pretty solid first semester. I even managed to pull up a few grade levels in a class, which I was absolutely convinced it was going to go down and be my worst performance. Maybe I'm only saying this because I'm a freshman, but I'm starting to think that this whole college thing might not be so impossible after all...
